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Avatar User Offline Kadet
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Posted: July/22/2014 at 9:30pm  Quote

   G'day everybody I'm Shane from South Australia.

   Ive been interested in model planes ever since my Uncle sent me a little cox (.049) powered C/L kittyhawk
   from the USA when he was holidaying over there.

   Since then Ive been hooked, although it has only been recently that I have taken up flying RC planes due to
   other interests, marriage, kids, etc and am loving it.

   Over the years I've collected quite a lot of 'stuff' for when the time came to enjoy my hobby.

   Although I like the ARF planes of today nothing beats building your own and that is what bought me to this
   site. I have built a few kits over the years with most ending up as matchsticks as I didnt really know how to
   go about building, covering and flying models.

   RCSB is the place for me to learn all the hints, tips and tricks so I can achieve my personal goals    
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Avatar User Offline J_Whitney
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Posted: July/22/2014 at 11:07pm  Quote
Hey Shane - see you have been a lurker here for a bit so no pep talk needed; maybe just a nudge to get you started?
Have you settled on a project? No better way to learn than to start!

Castro Valley, CA
The essential paradox of our democracy is that our warriors fight and die for our right to dispute the cause for which they are fighting and dying.
Let me know if I can help
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Avatar User Offline santafejack
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Posted: July/22/2014 at 11:10pm  Quote
Hi Shane, welcome bud. Don't be afraid to ask..always happy to help out..Andy

Current build; MB Waco CTO
Near future;
LCK/Hostetler RV-4.
LCK Pitts S 1 11 B
LCK/Hostetler Tri-Pacer 115"
Taylorcraft 107.5"

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Avatar User Offline Kadet
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Posted: July/23/2014 at 12:18am  Quote

Thanks guys, glad to be on here.

TBH I wasnt sure how to post thats why Ive just been lurking, so today has been a little milestone.

Jeff Ive got so many projects my head spins, but my plan is to start small and work up.
My current build is the SIG Kadet Senior which is about 80% completed.

Then its onto;
Sig Rascal
Sig Astro Hog
Sig Smith mini
Great Planes F15 Eagle

But thats only the start to hone my skills, Ive got a short wood kit for Wendels Lancair, plus his plans for the Extra 27%, Jerrys Spartan and
Airbornes Piper Pawnee PA 25.

I will have to get my son to show me how to upload photos of my projects as Im not too computer literate.

Thank you for making me feel welcome.
Cheers fellas
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Avatar User Offline santafejack
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Posted: July/23/2014 at 12:59am  Quote
Shane, be careful of that AB Pawnee plan..its a bit hairy! ..I put it aside and that was after cutting all the parts out..your welcome to the parts if you want?

Current build; MB Waco CTO
Near future;
LCK/Hostetler RV-4.
LCK Pitts S 1 11 B
LCK/Hostetler Tri-Pacer 115"
Taylorcraft 107.5"

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Avatar User Offline Kadet
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Posted: July/23/2014 at 1:07am  Quote

Oh No.. and they said Very functional size and easy to build... Good job Ive got quite a few kits to finish first.

Thanks for the offer though, I had cut the formers out by hand but scrapped them because they wern't perfect.

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Avatar User Offline santafejack
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Posted: July/23/2014 at 2:35am  Quote
Quote: Kadet

Oh No.. and they said Very functional size and easy to build... Good job Ive got quite a few kits to finish first.

Thanks for the offer though, I had cut the formers out by hand but scrapped them because they wern't perfect.

The outlines on the Pawnee plan are much to be desired too Shane, had to square them up before cutting..

Current build; MB Waco CTO
Near future;
LCK/Hostetler RV-4.
LCK Pitts S 1 11 B
LCK/Hostetler Tri-Pacer 115"
Taylorcraft 107.5"

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Avatar User Offline Kadet
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Posted: July/23/2014 at 3:36am  Quote

Thanks mate, I thought the Piper may have been a good intro to a scale build, I didnt even consider checking the
drawings for squareness

Thats the great thing about being here is the very helpfull advice. I may change my mind about the build, dont want to
waste the excellent length of spruce Ive collected through the various hobby shops in Adelaide over the year
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