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Poll Question : What type of subject will you be building this winter ( if any )?
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Posted: September/25/2007 at 6:07am  Quote

Scale Plans and Photo Service still sell the Katz plans with a built up wing.  Katz drew them and Ann Pepino still sells them after her husband has passed away.  If you want a set you better get them while they are still available.  They are an all built up set of plans and Fiberglass Specialties has the cowl.


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Posted: September/25/2007 at 10:40am  Quote
Very nice, many thanks, the cowl too, sweet.
Thanks again, I'll look into that!

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Posted: September/27/2007 at 12:18am  Quote

My plans this year are finish my TF Corsair and then start on a Vailly Hurricane. I am hoping to have the Corsair done by mid to late winter.

I have allready started my research for the hurricane and am looking forward to the build as well. I tell ya once I started to construct these airplanes and do some research for the history it gets very addicting.

Is there any of you guys by the Olympic flight museum, as I need some info on the Hampton Grey corsair there?


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Posted: September/27/2007 at 7:18am  Quote

I hope to finish my Saitti 262.  It was partially built when I bought it and a real basket case.



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Avatar User Offline JimMcIntyre
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Posted: September/28/2007 at 4:06pm  Quote

Have you finished the 1/5th Waco yet Mine flies great

Nope, she sits at 95% complete .. but I did finish the SE5 and a PT-19.

I began the Ailerons last week (last component to build), then it's on to finishing up mounting the engine and radio, test flight then she's off to her new owner and I can start the 1.4 Waco I traded her for.

Check my website for pics is you like.

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Posted: September/28/2007 at 4:13pm  Quote
I heard, 1/4 scale, very nice! I submitted a pic of my Waco to Chris for the glue build, he was quick to comment on his new "coming" Waco
I'm thinking about a 1/3rd Sopwith Pup. So much I want to build, so little room

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Avatar User Offline StrictlyScale
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Posted: September/30/2007 at 8:46am  Quote

...does a new workshop count as a winter project?!?

Hoping to have that wrapped up by the end of 2007, then start ONE of the following:  100" DH Hornet, Flair 88" Tiger Moth, CJM Mustang, or Taylor 83" Spitfire.....been collecting bits for all 4 projects...


Sean McHale
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Avatar User Offline mrscale
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Posted: September/30/2007 at 10:43am  Quote

 I have been working on Jerry BAtes proto type Fokker 21 since last year but health problems have slowed me down and I know Jerry needs this model built

I have the wings built, top sheeted, ailerons, tails all built and fuselage build and starting the sheeting,

I am also making the mold for the canopy and landing gearwheel pants as these are not available but the cowl is thanks to my friend to turned a perfect 10" cowl from REN plastic, also have to cowl bumps (mold from Ren) depending which version of motor was in them, both Dutch and Finland used different engines,

I would like to post photos but just can't seem to get my 1200 X1600 to a place to down size them.someone suggested PIXresizer but I can't get it to work, old age (72) any other suggestion 

I have been taking pictures of most the build.

to see what I have so far mail me at


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