I have been working on Jerry BAtes proto type Fokker 21 since last year but health problems have slowed me down and I know Jerry needs this model built
I have the wings built, top sheeted, ailerons, tails all built and fuselage build and starting the sheeting,
I am also making the mold for the canopy and landing gearwheel pants as these are not available but the cowl is thanks to my friend to turned a perfect 10" cowl from REN plastic, also have to cowl bumps (mold from Ren) depending which version of motor was in them, both Dutch and Finland used different engines,
I would like to post photos but just can't seem to get my 1200 X1600 to a place to down size them.someone suggested PIXresizer but I can't get it to work, old age (72) any other suggestion 
I have been taking pictures of most the build.
to see what I have so far mail me at